Angry listener kicks Leykis in head

Bob Nelson
Fri Aug 27 04:25:04 EDT 2004

>>As much as I dislike this man and want to throw stuff at the radio when he's on, I can't condone kicking the ass in the head

Agreed...I used to listen to him in the WRKO days and sometimes he wasn't all that bad (though his top-40-DJ-turned talkmaster voice
was a bit too much to take at times). But as he headed west he became a Stern wanna be (heard some tapes of his national show).
And it really got into the gutter.

Leykis used to get a kick out of the fact that talk hosts were
sometimes called "talkmasters" and he had a liner (run during Red
Sox games; his show was rebroadcast after the games) saying,
"SUBMIT TO THE TALKMASTER! After the game on WRKO." Years later,
when the Leykis subject came up online, at least one person said,
"Maybe his wife wouldn't 'submit to the talkmaster'..." 

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