Heads UP: JFK On "Daily Show" Tonight

Laurence Glavin lglavin@lycos.com
Tue Aug 24 16:42:00 EDT 2004

I'm the #1 fan of Comedy Central's "Daily Show with Jon Stewart",
home of some of the foremost practitioners of satire...cast, writers,
producers, etc...operating today, except when Mort Sahl dines alone. 
Tonight (08/24), John Kerry is the announced guest on DSwJS,
an appearance that should actually generate real news.  This
Swift Boats controversy has been bruited about endlessly the
past couple of weeks, and the "legitimate" talking-head
shows would kill, perhaps even removing ears, heads,
genitals and limbs, to get the 2004 version of JFK on their 
shows, but H-less did it.  Tonight it's must see TV;
and to maneuver this to the subject of radio, cuts
from the appearance should provide audio on numerous
talk shows tomorrow.
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