Dem., Kerry lawyers try to squelch anti-Kerry ad

Douglas J. Broda
Fri Aug 6 20:24:48 EDT 2004

Actually, the rebuttal got major time on CNN and MSNBC today, including CNN 
doing a one-after-the-other with one of the people in the ad and a 
pro-Kerry vet who served with him. (I don't watch Fox, though I doubt 
coverage there was fair and balanced...)

I agree the rebuttal will be undercovered by the media and the claims in 
the ad will be more widely seen than the rebuttal.

I just think the price of prior restraint is too high.

At 05:37 PM 8/6/2004 -0400, you wrote:
>At 04:39 PM 8/6/2004, Douglas J. Broda wrote:
>>If I am true to myself (a basically moderate Democrat who believes that 
>>free speech is the heartbeat of America), I must insist that the means 
>>for addressing inaccuracies in a political ad is not to squelch speech, 
>>but rather to prove its inaccuracy, even if there is a cost to a 
>>particular candidate I would badly prefer to see prevail over his opponent.
>In theory, that's great.  In practice, the media often will not cover the 
>rebuttal, so only one side gets heard.
>Larry Weil
>Lake Wobegone, NH

Douglas J. Broda
Attorney at Law
80 Ferry Street, Troy, NY 12180 USA
(518) 272-0580

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