Dem., Kerry lawyers try to squelch anti-Kerry ad

Larry Weil
Fri Aug 6 14:17:40 EDT 2004

At 2:19 AM -0400 8/6/04, Bob Nelson wrote:
>The conservative website Human Events has obtained a letter from 
>lawyers for John Kerry and the Dem. National Committee, sent to TV 
>stations "suggesting" they should refuse an ad for a group called 
>Swift Boat Veterans for the Truth. The lawyers dispute the claims of 
>the ad which has several Vietnam veterans saying that Kerry "lied to 
>get his Silver Star"; that Kerry is unfit to lead, etc. As the ad 
>prepares to hit the airwaves, a book related to it has had massive 
>pre-orders (it's #1 on This looks like a massive effort 
>by these lawyers to get the ad taken off the air.

The problem with the ad, as I understand it, is that the people who 
claim to have "served" with Kerry were in Vietnam at the time he was, 
but had no direct connection or knowledge of his actions.  The doctor 
who claims to have treated Kerry is not the doctor who signed off on 
his chart.
Larry Weil
Lake Wobegone, NH

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