Brattleboro Selectboard passes diluted resolution for rfb

Hakim Madjid
Thu Nov 20 12:21:54 EST 2003

Steve Ordinetz writes:

> It's easy to blame the big corporations for
>everything that's wrong with America, but that's a
>bogus argument too.  Everyone claims to hate Walmart
>too, but their parking lots always seem to be full. 
>Given the difficulty of finding a clerk in one of
>their stores, 

Americans love a good bargian, that's why the crowded
parking lots at Wal-Marts.

However there is another side to this. As an article
in the current issue of Fast Company points out,
several of Wal-Mart's suppliers have been forced out
of business, have had to declare bankrupcy, and / or
move production off shore, because they couldn't
survive on the slim margins that Wal-Mart demanded.

73, de Hakim (N1ZFF)

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