Brattleboro Selectboard passes diluted resolution for rfb

Sid Schweiger
Wed Nov 19 19:52:09 EST 2003

>>It's too bad the "selectboard" (another stupid politically correct term) doesn't see rfb for what it really illegal pirate operation that deserves to have the FCC come in, smash the equipment, and take the assholes running the place into custody.<<

The LPFM applicant in the same area which has publicly stated that they will share their station with the RFB folks is just as stupid, IMO.  Are they TRYING to have their application denied?  Did they completely ignore Congress' wish that current or former pirates not be involved in the LPFM service?

I won't discuss the location of these people's brains, except to say that if they ever get Montezuma's revenge, they'll blow their minds...

Sid Schweiger
MIS Manager, Entercom Boston LLC

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