Today's LTAR: Liberal network

Bob Nelson
Sun Nov 9 11:17:26 EST 2003

More on today's LTAR:
With regards to the "liberal network", rumor has it it
will be on the air soon and will be known as "National
Public Radio" :)

As for liberal bias and those who feel there IS none,
a quote from Bernard Goldberg's new book. Jay Leno
said: "A group of venture capitalists are in the
process of developing their own liberal radio network
to counter conservative shows like Rush Limbaugh. They
feel the liberal viewpoint is not being heard--except
on TV, in the movies, in music, by comedians, in
magazines, and newspapers. OTHER THAN THAT,
it's not getting out!"

Goldberg: "The joke got a big laugh, which ought to
tell us something, since the audience wasn't made up
of the Young Right-Wing Conservatives of America--just
your regular Middle-American types..."

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