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Class A AMs and their owners

At the behest of Dan Strassberg, and with the database assistance of 
Garrett, here's the full list of US class A stations, excluding Alaska 
(where many of the class A facilities are community-owned public radio 

I count 58 stations and 20 separate owners. At some point I'll have to go 
back to the 1970 Broadcasting Yearbook and see who owned what back then.

>  KAAY         |          1090 Citadel
>  KDKA         |          1020 Viacom
>  KEX          |          1190 CCU
>  KFAB         |          1110 CCU
>  KFAQ         |          1170 Journal Broadcast Group
>  KFBK         |          1530 CCU
>  KFI          |           640 CCU
>  KGA          |          1510 Citadel
>  KGO          |           810 Disney
>  KIRO         |           710 Entercom
>  KMOX         |          1120 Viacom
>  KNBR         |           680 Susquehanna
>  KNX          |          1070 Viacom
>  KNZR         |          1560 Buckley
>  KOA          |           850 CCU
>  KOMA         |          1520 Renda
>  KOMO         |          1000 Fisher
>  KRLD         |          1080 Viacom
>  KSL          |          1160 Bonneville
>  KSTP         |          1500 Hubbard
>  KWKH         |          1130 CCU
>  KXEL         |          1540 Bahakel
>  KYW          |          1060 Viacom
>  WABC         |           770 Disney
>  WBAL         |          1090 Hearst
>  WBAP         |           820 Disney
>  WBBM         |           780 Viacom
>  WBBR         |          1130 Bloomberg
>  WBT          |          1110 Jefferson-Pilot
>  WBZ          |          1030 Viacom
>  WCBS         |           880 Viacom
>  WCCO         |           830 Viacom
>  WFAN         |           660 Viacom
>  WGN          |           720 Tribune
>  WGY          |           810 CCU
>  WHAM         |          1180 CCU
>  WHAS         |           840 CCU
>  WHO          |          1040 CCU
>  WJR          |           760 Disney
>  WLAC         |          1510 CCU
>  WLS          |           890 Disney
>  WLW          |           700 CCU
>  WMVP         |          1000 Disney
>  WOAI         |          1200 CCU
>  WOR          |           710 Buckley
>  WPHT         |          1210 Viacom
>  WQEW         |          1560 NYT Co, LMA to Disney
>  WRVA         |          1140 CCU
>  WSAI         |          1530 CCU
>  WSB          |           750 Cox
>  WSCR         |           670 Viacom
>  WSM          |           650 Gaylord, LMA to Cumulus
>  WTAM         |          1100 CCU
>  WTIC         |          1080 Viacom
>  WTOP         |          1500 Bonneville
>  WWKB         |          1520 Entercom
>  WWL          |           870 Entercom
>  WWVA         |          1170 CCU