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RE: FCC gives ultimatum to Radio Free Brattleboro

> Let's turn it into a narrow, overly marketed, repetitive, 
> insulting band overly dictated by corporate interests. Oh 
> wait, that's already happened. Let's not turn the FM band 
> into something other than status quo, eh?
My post and comments on RFB had nothing to do with the content of the
station.  I frankly don't care if they're advocating sex with underage
goats.  My criticism was strictly limited to the fact that they are
operating illegally.  They can waive their "power to the people" chants all
they want.  Until they are licensed or change the law, they are illegal.  

Brian T. Vita, President
Cinema Service & Supply, Inc.
77 Walnut St. - Ste 4
Peabody, MA  01960-5691 USA
+1-978-538-7575 voice
+1-978-538-7550 fax