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Re: When did they move to their current TX location...?

Channel 7 (then WNAC-TV) moved from Malden to Newton
in 1964. 

Channel 68 (ex-WQTV, WABU now WBPX) has always been on
the Pru, but has had a few major modifications of its'
antenna system.  Once in 1983 when they replaced the
defective circularly-polarized "spine" type antenna
with a more conventional UHF antenna, co-inciding with
their switch to a commercial operation after 4 years
of subscription television. And again, they made
changes in 1992 when all Pru (TV and FM) antennas were
rebuilt.  During that time, all Pru stations were at
10% to 20% of their normal power.  No real change in
coverage was evident after the rebuild was completed.
Channel 68 still has the weakest UHF signal in the
market.  But with cable penetration at an all time
high, they are on all cable systems in the area. How I
long for WABU.

Channel 44, once the weakest signal on the Boston UHF
dial, now has a signal at par with the other stations
in town.

Channel 25 still has the best UHF signal in Boston. 
It doesn't hurt being so low on the dial, either.


Peter Q. George (K1XRB)
Whitman, Massachusetts

> >What year did Ch's 2, 4, 5, 7, 25, 38, 44, 56, 68
> move to their current
> >location?
> Most of this info can be found on bostonradio.org. 
> In rough chronological
> order...
> 1957 - Channel 4 (after Hurricane Carol knocked over
> the original tower on
>        Soldiers Field Road in 1954; moved from
> temporary site in Malden)
> Early 1960s - Channel 7 (moved from Malden)
> 1960s - Channel 2 (moved from Great Blue Hill)
> 1967 - Channel 44 (signed on)
> 1971 - Channels 38 (moved from Pru), 56 (moved from
> Woburn)
> 1972 - Channel 5 (when WCVB signed on; the former
> WHDH-TV was located on
>        what is now FM-128, just down the road in
> Newton)
> 1977 - Channel 25 (signed on)
> 1979 - Channel 68 (signed on)
> -Shawn Mamros
> E-mail to: mamros@mit.edu

Peter Q. George (K1XRB)
Whitman, Massachusetts
                           "Scanning the bands since 1967"

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