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RE: Am I missing something here?

Eli Polonsky wrote:

>If what I saw posted on the Radio-Info board is correct, Manchester NH
>and Worcester are now considered parts of the Boston market. This means
>that WGIR AM & FM, WSRS and WTAG are now included as their stations in
>the Boston market along with WXKS AM & FM, WJMN, and WKOX. That's eight!

You can't always believe everything you believe you read on 
Radio-info.com.  While parts of Hillsborough county (namely Nashua) are 
considered part of the Boston metro as well as parts of Rockingham (Salem, 
maybe Pelham too), the Manchester metro communities (Manchester, Auburn, 
Hooksett, Bedford & Goffstown) are not...Arbitron does not allow a 
community to be part of 2 metros and those communities are still officially 
Manchester.  Interestingly, other radio groups in southern N.H. have been 
trying for years to get the Manchester metro expanded to include Nashua & 
Concord and the big groups (Saga & at the time Knight) fought this tooth & 
nail because it would water down THEIR metro numbers for WGIR & 
WZID.  Hoist by their own petard, they're now in the situation of being 
Boston rimshots...despite a decent-sized audience in Nashua, it doesn't do 
more than make them show slightly in the Boston book but has the effect of 
watering down their Manchester numbers.

Not as familiar with the Worcester market, but I'd guess that since 
Worcester is still a separate market, a similar situation exists.