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Fwd: Dan Kennedy (was CNN Ethics)

>DATE: Fri, 18 Apr 2003 01:07:55
>From: Donna Halper <dlh@donnahalper.com>
>To: boston-radio-interest@bostonradio.org

>it was written--
> >SteveOrdinetz wrote:
> > Not like I'd call the Phoenix an unimpeachable >source either.

>Dan Kennedy has won almost every award for >distinguished journalism that a 
>media critic can win, including several awards from >the National Press 
>Club, and the Rowse Award for Media Criticism.   He >has had numerous 
>articles in national magazines, and is regarded very >favourably by people 
>we all respect, from both the left and the right >wing.  He works at the 
>Phoenix by choice, from what I have been told, >because they give him the 
>freedom to pursue those stories that he feels require >more coverage.  I 
>don't know one person in this town who doesn't >respect him or find him 
>credible, from David Brudnoy, who has had him on WBZ >as a guest critic 
>several times...

After Mike Barnicle was fired by the Boston Globe,
Dan Kennedy wrote a number of aricles from a pro-Globe anti-Barnicle
angle.  Drudnoy was very pro-Barnicle, and Dan was a guest
several times to argue whether M.B. should have been
canned or not.  It made for better radio that Howie Carr's
gleefest, although the latter may have had just cause.

Laurence Glavin

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