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Fwd: [CBI] What about turning the tables on infinity?

> From The Collegiate Broadcasters Incorporated Listserv>>
>Don't they understand that "patently offensive as measured by contemporary
>community standards for the broadcast medium" probably applies to
>presenting "graphic descriptions of violent sexual acts against women as
>entertainment at a time when children likely composed a significant portion
>of the audience" ?
>Our friend infinity are in trouble again. . .

Yes, a cross-post, my apologies.  However, I think this is worth noticing 
as apparently the FCC is getting mighty frisky about enforcement lately - 
most everyone has viewed the threat of license revokement as a hollow 
threat as the FCC almost never does it, and if they did - most large 
broadcasters could count on Congress to save them.   But now they're 
threatening license revokation for things that Congress agrees with, so 
maybe we're getting back to the days of a strong FCC - something I'm all in 
favor of.

Aaron "Bishop" Read             aread@speakeasy.net
FriedBagels Consulting          AOL-IM: readaaron
http://www.friedbagels.com      Boston, MA