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Re: Can't Touch This...

"Dan Cole" wrote:
> Remembering my careless youth when I agreed to paint a
> tower in exchange for some under the table cash (I
> think the statute of limitations applies here)...I
> still have the scar from the burn I got when I jumped
> off the tower...with my hand still holding on and my
> leg brushing up against a re-enforcing post.  "Ouch"
> doesn't come close to describing it.
> At times I wonder how I've lived so long...

My one and only RF burn came from the di-plexer at Channel 50
in Windham, NH.  110,000 Watts total power.  The di-plexer
was running warm (mismatch?) and there was a "teensy" hole
through which a minute spark bit my finger whilst checking for 
warmth.  At first there was no sensation - just an insignificant 
white dimple in the end of my finger.  Minutes later it felt like
my finger had been clamped in a vise and hit with a ball peen 
hammer.  I guess you "never forget" your "first RF burn."

Roger (nostalging about the "good old days") Kirk