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RE: Country music stands on the war (and radio)

--- Bill O'Neill <billo@shoreham.net> wrote:

> > And where do you get off telling someone else what
> their job 
> > is? 
> I am a customer.
> Bill O'Neill

Exactly. Let's say I pay $35 to see REM play the Fleet
Center and Michael Stipe (lead singer) starts the show
with "Hello Boston! Bush stinks!" (or words to that
effect) I'm sure most of the folks in the audience
will cheer and I'd just kind of frown
and say to myself, "Just sing the (expletive) songs,
will ya. I'm here for the music not for politics."

And if I feel a certain way about an issue or
a candidate, after reading the papers, listening
to talk radio (horrors!), and so on, one of these
musicians or actors offering their own opinions on
it is not necessarily going to change my mind.
"You know, I really was for the war, but now that
I hear Susan Sarandon is against it, I'll change
my mind. She was good in the 'Rocky Horror Picture
Show' so surely she knows more about politics
than I do." :)

I have every right to not buy an album, not see a
movie or TV show, and not buy a book by a celebrity
if I disagree with their views.