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Re: WBOQ Correction

At 10:17 PM 3/12/2003 +0000, dan.strassberg@att.net wrote:
>Umm, what am I missing here? Why would a private concern or a private
>individual be interested in acquiring a noncommercial FM? In fact, 
>wouldn't the
>buyer of a noncomm HAVE to be a non-profit or not-for-profit entity?

To your last question, the answer is "yes", but there's little or nothing 
stopping them from creating a non-profit "educational organization" to run 
the non-comm station that's technically and legally separate from WBOQ but 
in reality is the same thing.   It does introduce programming concerns in 
terms of commercials vs. underwriting but with today's automation, it 
wouldn't be hard to schedule cutaways and have slightly different 
programming on the non-comm side.

As for "why"...a FM signal is an FM signal.   Even with non-commercial 
restrictions if your programming reaches more people it inherently has 
greater value.  It doesn't take much imagination to figure out ways to 
cross-brand between the commercial and non-commercial in order to jack up 
the value of the commercial side and therefore increase 
profits.   Obviously it's not as easy to do as with a commercial 
license...but it can be done.

Not that I'm an advocate of it, mind you...I'm just saying it could be done.

Aaron "Bishop" Read             aread@speakeasy.net
FriedBagels Consulting          AOL-IM: readaaron
http://www.friedbagels.com      Boston, MA