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Re: Satellite and WBOS

 Thanks for the input on satellite outages. Today, the "Troubleshooter" was hit again but was off for only two minutes, suggesting they were more prepared this time...

Re the WBOS comments. I worked there for seven years (IBEW local 1228). Music tapes were stored "tails out" mainly to prevent "print through" which is far more likely to happen when a reel-to-reel is rewound. Even so, some of the oldest "Music Theater" tapes were noticeably printed through. I cannot recall =any= ethnic programs which were not delivered "heads out", and the quality of some of these was horrible. 'Course so was the processing on 1600... 

One reason WBOS-WUNR non-techs started to play and record carts is that no one from the union was at the Tremont Street studio, so the ethnic "hosts" on WUNR did whatever they wanted, after they figgered out how things worked. Or asked Norm Ruby...

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