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Re: Fox News Live with Alan Colmes

--- Richard Chonak <chonak@yahoo.com> wrote:
 > So we're going to have 
> David Brudnoy (Radio 103) vs. 
> Laura Ingraham (96.9) vs. 
> Michael Savage (68 'RKO)?    
> Has anybody ever heard of the concept of
> counter-programming?
> I thought 'RKO was onto something when they aired
> the Two Chicks
> Dishing, offering light entertainment as an
> alternative to the
> serious issue shows.

When 'RKO picked up Sean Hannity (now gone to
WBPS) they mentioned in on-air promos that listeners
wanted more issues-oriented stuff at night. Hannity
was dumped because his show was tape delayed, 
airing 5 hours after the original broadcast--
and in situations ranging from the Washington DC
sniper to the Iraq situation, having something that
stale wouldn't be good.

They wound up picking up Savage, who is #4 in
listernship (Hannity ranks second, behind Rush)
but it gave them the option of having something live,
in case war broke out, etc. If Ingraham had been
available (and not taken by WTKK) they might have
considered her.

So, counter programming? I see your point but I
think 'RKO does want issues-oriented stuff what with
the war coming (and even if there is no war, they
said their listeners wanted more "serious" stuff).
It was good that they had the more frivolous VB
at 10 pm, but he's gone, at least for now, with
Colmes taking his slot.

For the record, there may be times on the three
shows you mentioned where it isn't as "serious",
like when Brudnoy may talk about the movies;
Ingraham banters about attending the Grammys, etc.
But mostly serious, yes.