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Buried COL

As bad as some of the COL burials are in Boston (WQSX Lawrence-Boston) are,
I had to be in Massapequa LI last Friday, and the worst offender was WKTU. I
was geeking out listening for "Lake Success" and the first time I heard "The
Beat of New York"'s TOH, I actually missed the COL...The second hour, I did
hear it (barely). They've got to have the most 'hidden' COL of all.

While I am a Libertarian-leaning Republican, if I were on the FCC I'd make
all stations give their Calls and COL (and frequency) in a clear, consise
manner at a reasonable decibel level, and no background music or
sounds...but I don't mind if 1 guy owns all the stations...go figure!

BTW: Where exactly IS Lake Success?

PS: LI-NY and NYC drivers are nuts! As a reformed Boston driver myself, I
thought they were all nuts down there, especially on Merrick (?) Ave, the
main drag in Massapequa!

Paul Hopfgarten
East Derry NH 03041

> -----Original Message-----
> From: owner-boston-radio-interest@bostonradio.org
> [mailto:owner-boston-radio-interest@bostonradio.org]On Behalf Of Cooper
> Fox
> Sent: Monday, March 03, 2003 7:28 PM
> To: bri@bostonradio.org
> Subject: Mainah' accent spot
> I just heard/saw one of those Hammond Lumber spots on
> WMTW.  It seems to me that the guy who voices those
> spots has been doing them for years and years and
> years.  Any idea who this is?
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