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RE: Lowry Mays speaks

Dave Faneuf writes:

> Nahhh.....just continues 24/7 ...Hey Baby Hey Baby Hey...No thought or
> explanations required, or jocks for that matter.   Maybe
> they'll figure
> out how to put quarter slots on the top of radios like the
> old jukeboxes
> at diners.....Oh yeah, they did, it's called XM.
> df

For a minute there, I though DF was bustin' a Bruce Channel on us.  Then
Dustin (Hic) Hoffman's dealbreaking Grammy performance came back to me.
Hoffman's deal there, as well as Robin Williams' was emblematic of where
the entertainment industry is right now.  The Twilight Zone.

Williams, listening to his Grammy shell: "Hear that? That's the sound of
careers ending."

Bill O'Neill