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Re: Lowry Mays speaks

  rogerkirk wrote:

>Now it's all down to a commodity level.
>He just missed one thing:  The Soul

I can't say as I always admire the way CC does things, but you've gotta 
admit they took radio out of the horse & buggy era and into the 21st century.

As far as "soul" missing, I hate to say it, but I heard a similar argument 
in the 70s when I was working for a company that made phototypesetting 
equipment.  As linotypes were being replaced with this new equipment I'd 
hear all these old-line newspaper composing room employees complain about 
how it's taken all the "pride" out of the job.  In the end the end user 
doesn't know or care how the paper was put out, just that it was.