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Re: Rimshot IDs

On Thu, 20 Feb 2003 15:27:07 -0500 Aaron Read <aread@speakeasy.net>
> At 08:10 PM 2/20/2003 +0000, dan.strassberg@att.net wrote:
> >You mean WXLO 104.5 Fitchburg (-Worcester)?
> >
> >Sixteen--THAT's impressive. Must have taken them into New 
> Hampshire. When 
> >they
> >named a community in New Hampshire, did they say (for example) 
> Brookline New
> >Hampshire (or just Brookline--to do double duty with Brookline MA)?
> >--
> Well, it's not quite the same, but a lot of NPR stations have pretty 
> lengthy ID's...what about WBUR's?  While each call letter has only 
> one 
> town, there are four stations and four towns listed EVERY hour in 
> the 
> ID.   I imagine Vermont P.R., NHPR and MPR are all worse than that.

Actually, as I believe I have mentioned before,  WBUR's Legal ID is only
for WBUR-FM, the other stations are for informational purposes only.  
The cape stations cut away to do their own ID.   WRNI and WXNI are
"manned" during the day and handle their own programming, at night and
weekends the RI stations have seperate programming sources from WBUR and
do their own thing including IDs.  
The only exception to this is when we need to simulcast because of a
program impairment or special program, then Boston and RI IDs are done in
Boston, the Cape still cuts away to do their own legal IDs unless we
manually override the Cape automation, in which case Boston does the
legal ID for all the stations in the group.  
So, the usual WBUR ID is for Boston but also mentions West Yarmouth,
Sandwich and Harwich, if simulcasting add Providence and Westerly to the
Any questions?  LOL