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Re: Fwd: Re: Boston Globe Online / Sports / Early exit for Adams

> A furious letter-writing campaign, supported in part
> by the Globe's Jack Thomas was not sufficient.
> DB did stand-in at WHDH-AM 850 for a while, the
> after the
> bird-distributed show that replaced him tanked,
> David 
> came back...

I don't think the bird-distributed show (Snyder) even
had time to tank.

BZ didn't give in to the ratings....cuz Snyder wasn't
even on that long.  BZ actually gave in to public 
pressure.   The mayor, the governor, etc.  David has a
lot of influencial friends.  ;-)

Besides it being about "Brudnoy"...it was also about
BZ running it's first non-local show....and leaving
Boston without ANY local evening show on ANY station.


Joe Pappalardo


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