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Re: Boston Globe Online / Sports / Early exit for Adams

--- Sean Smyth <ssmyth@suscom.net> wrote:

> What was the new low? Leaking the story to the
> media? Personally, I don't
> think Mike should have been on the air after the
> news broke 

Maybe the "new low" was Kellogg not allowing Mike to
finish his last week. "Oh, Mike, I see you read about
your firing in this morning's paper. Er, sorry I
didn't tell you about this earlier. Would you mind
leaving now?" OK, maybe it wasn't exactly in THAT
fashion, but...

And putting the Sporting News Radio feed on in his
place (at least for now) ensures that Mike isn't
on air fielding calls like, "Hey, Mike, I read that
they're getting rid of you after this week. That
really stinks!", etc.

I'm guessing that in most cases, when an air
personality is fired, they're removed from the
airwaves immediately so you don't have a "lame duck"
host having to respond to on-air callers about the
matter, etc.