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Re: When Radio Was

> Shameless commercial mode commences:
> F.y.i. If you are in the North Central Mass. area, WEIM carries "When
> Was" M - F at 11 p.m, We also carry "The Twilight Zone Radio Dramas"
> Saturday & Sunday at 10 p.m. and "Radio Super Heroes" Saturday at 11 p.m.
> (unless pre-empted by sports).
> Shameless commercial mode over:

If I may be shameless also......WNBP Newburyport has been running When Radio
Was for years. Art Fleming of Jeopardy fame was the original host. After
Fleming's death Stan Freberg became the host.

Check out www.radiospirits.com for program info and an affiliate list.

Matt Stevens
Legends 1450 WNBP Newburyport