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Fwd: eeuuw.

>DATE: Mon, 17 Feb 2003 14:59:47
>From: Richard Chonak <chonak@yahoo.com>
>To: bri@bostonradio.org

>Did I actually hear Keith Olbermann on (P)MSNBC
>pronounce "Schadenfreude" as "shay-den-fraud"?



I'm not a linguist (I don't even play one on TV); but I've read that 
there is a class of people who acquire vocabulary through reading
but do not associate with people who also have a large or growing vocabulary.
As a result, they know and understand words but never hear them pronounced
"correctly" and are guided by their instincts.  Olbermann's background
is in spectator sports on radio and TV.  His peers' vocabulary could
be limited to "AWRRIGHT!"  and "YESSSSS!"  But of course the champ of them all
is George W...Nucularman.  There are people around him who know how key
words should be pronounced, but do they DARE correct or instruct him?

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