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Re: WOTW-AM 900 Off The Air

Joe P. writes:
> Would Premiere ever let Dr. Laura run opposite Rush?   I would think that
> would be great counter-programming.  Politics.....vs....touchy feely.  

I don't think you've really understood (the putative) Dr.
Laura's program.   "Touchy-feely" is not the right word for it.
Although the show is about personal situations, it's not about
sentimentality.   Rather, whether you agree with her or not, her
show is about ideas and their application: it advocates
traditional morals and focuses on making clear decisions that
follow those moral principles.

Her audience probably overlaps Rush's enough to rule out a 
simultaneous broadcast.


http://catholiclight.blogspot.com/                    GnuPG keyID F9C6579F