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Re: WSRO Sale...

Joseph Pappalardo writes:
> Interesting thoughts about this sale posting.  They
> have a higher power at night?  This is a pretty hefty
> price for this station, no?  Wasn't WSRO in MArlboro?
> And note the last line about "Boston Coverage".

I believe the higher night power may have had something to do with WNBP (or
what is now WNBP) switching from 1490 to 1470 back in the 1980s. Dan
explained this in detail here at one point, and I can't recall it from the
top of my head. I believe WSRO might have had to move its transmitter at
some point, thus a power adjustment was in order (again, I could be wrong).

And how is the CP going to cost ONLY $150,000?