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Re: Freedom of Speech?

> from this morning's NewsBlues:
> ...Viacom employees have been "asked" to sign a "Business Conduct
> On page 9, in a section titled "Talking to Members of the News Media,"
> Viacom take a chilling step toward restricting freedom of speech.
> We quote....
> "Unless you have been officially designated as a spokesperson, you may not
> comment or provide documents or information to members of the news media
> matters pertaining to Viacom's business or any other internal matter. This
> applies to all media contacts, whether on the record, off the record,
> unattributed, anonymous or background contacts."]

How does one know who might be responsible for any alleged violations if
they were "anonymous", and remained that way??  Why would anyone enter into
a contract with built in excuses for dismissal, for apparently no reason at
all?? Am I missing something here?
Andy Raynes
Lisbon, Me.