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Re: WMBR is cancelling it's nightly news - protest

At 10:07 AM 6/12/2002, Aaron [Bishop] Read wrote:

>>WMBR (This combines messages from Mark Weaver and John Grebe):
>>...The WMBR programming board has recently decided to
>>cancel its daily news programming, after more than 10 years of airing
>>Pacifica Network News and more recently Free Speech Radio News.
>>Here are their stated reasons:
>>  - They say the quality has been steadily declining
>>  - They say we are preaching to the choir
>>  - They claim the news is redundant with other available news
>>    programs in the area

I forgot to add that the rumors I've heard from friends who work at WMBR is 
that the guy who got the evening newscasts implemented stepped on a lot of 
toes and offended a lot of staff in the process...but bear in mind that 
WMBR is a ridiculously over-politicized environment (a lot - not all, but a 
lot - of people there take themselves WAY WAY WAY too seriously) so no 
matter how the news got on it was going to annoy a lot of staff in the process.

I would not be surprised if this is a means of those people being petty and 
cutting off their noses to spite their faces.   I hope this is not the 
case, but it wouldn't surprise me.

I'll also add that this is an exceedingly odd time to pull the plug on 
Pacifica considering that only in the past few months has the crisis in 
Pacifica management been (more or less) resolved and if anything things 
should be getting better there now.

Aaron "Bishop" Read     aread@speakeasy.net
FriedBagels.com Technical Consulting
www.friedbagels.com   AOL-IM: ReadAaron