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WCCM and Curt Gowdy

Curt Gowdy was the owner of WCCM when I started there in 1973.  As I recall,
he had taken over just a year or 2 before that.  Norm Goldsmith was General
Manager, and John Bassett was Operations Director.  Richard (Dick Jason)
Uliano was PD.  Lou (Albert St. Onge) Marcel, Dennis Burke, Jim Bartlett,
Eddie B. Baker, Ed Coleman, and a young Steve Holman were there during the
mid 70s.

In the 1960s the FM was WGHJ, but it was WCCM-FM from the time that Gowdy
took over until they stopped simulcasting and created "the Rock Garden,
WCGY" in 1974 or '75.

I remember as a teenager hearing Bill Borrelli, Hugh Anthony, Lou Marcel,
Don Brown, Bill Johnson  Tony Lupo, and of course Bruce Arnold on WCCM circa
1961--1964.  And the WCCM calls were around in the late 50s also with Forest
Morgan, Bill Varney, Ray Dunphy and Bob Sarosen.

Glenn Spatola
Port Orchard, WA

> Date: Sun, 7 Apr 2002 15:01:11 -0400
> From: "Joe Pappalardo" <Joepappalardo2001@yahoo.com>
> Subject: Re: Ugo San Antonio Obit
> What year was it that the FM signed on?
> As I understand it...WCCM-AM is a relatively "new' station...compared to
> many other stations on the dial with longer history.
> What year did the AM& FM tranfer to Curt Gowdy?
> JP