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From: dan.strassberg@att.net
To: Donna Halper <dlh@donnahalper.com>
Cc: "Dan Strassberg" <Dan.Strassberg@worldnet.att.net>, 
Subject: Re: WTHT
Date: Mon, 28 Aug 2000 22:46:15 +0000

And a rooftop antenna atop a building in downtown 
Hartford. This was not one of the old-style horizontal 
long-wires, which were often located on rooftops. It was 
a single guy-supported vertical tower on top of the flat 
roof of what looked (in the photo I saw) like a 
moderately tall building (at least six stories and 
probably more). The building appeared to have a 
square "footprint."

At the time, WFAS in White Plains NY (also on 1230 with 
250W) also had a single vertical tower on top of a 
building, but that tower was self supporting and it 
wasn't exactly on top of the building. It was sort of 
mounted to a notch in a corner of the building--the 
Roger Smith Hotel in downtown White Plains.

> Dan wrote:
> >In response to a question posed on today's LTAR, WTHT Hartford was on 1230.
> >After it went dark (in the early 50's I think), the frequency was eventually
> >occupied by WINF Manchester.
> Well, it turns out they were earlier than either of us thought-- allegedly 
> on the air in 1936, and the last time they are listed at owned by the 
> Hartford Times (with 250 wonderful watts) was 1954.