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RE: WSMN / Gene Burns

So he was being just a TAD disingenuous when, on one of 
his first WMEX shows, while recounting the tribulations 
of his ill-fated gig on WOR and the WOR Network, he 
said, "I should have realized before I even went there 
that talk radio has to be local. I was on in New York, 
but when I talked about New York issues, the affiliates 
outside of New York complained. And when I talked about 
national issues, the WOR sales department complained."

Or maybe he realizes what everyone else does--that the 
real function of TalkAmerica is to fill what would 
otherwise be dead air on basket-case stations that have 
to air something to avoid having their licenses pulled. 
What the heck; if he can make a buck helping to keep 
those stations on the air, why shouldn't he? However, at 
least one hour of the WSMN show has to be a delayed 
broadcast because it conflicts with the WMEX show, which 
is live. So at what time does he actually do the 
TalkAmerica show?

And I guess this tells us something else: When Langer 
has to start cutting corners at WMEX, one of his first 
moves will be to pick up Burns' TalkAmerica feed instead 
of the special WMEX feed.

Meanwhile, does anyone know what has become of Jerry 
Williams? I didn't think he sounded right on the one 
program I heard him do on WMEX. It was his second show--
on Tuesday Feb 1. He sounded very disconnected from both 
the callers and his guest, a well-known attorney whose 
name I've forgotten. Does anyone know whether Williams 
is ill? When I heard him, I wondered if he wasn't in the 
early stages of Alzheimers'.
> What you were hearing was Gene's show on the TalkAmerica Network.  Yes, Gene
> is doing THREE shows per day.
> WMEX, KGO and Talk America.  Have to pay the rent you know!
> -gary francis
> (former Dining Around fill-in host)