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Re: Avery Haines

--- Stephen Pickford <nmi@netcom.ca> wrote:
> Avery is currently mulling over a few job offers in the U.S. --- turned
> down an appearance with Howard Stern --- and continues to report on Family
> Travel on my show, "Travel World" on the Liberty Works Radio Network.

In the past 2 weeks,  she has already been a guest on 
ABC's The View, Politically Incorrect, Inside Edition.
I don't think the two techs who rolled Take 1 instead of
Take 2 and then suspended by CTV will be interviewed by
any major US media outlets in near future...

Avery has no recognition factor in the States. Wherever
she ends up, she'll be just another anchor/reporter.
Her 15 minutes already ran out 2 weeks ago while Ronald
Regan's slip  -- "bombing begins in 5 minutes" --
will live forever in history...
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