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Re: The Future of 600 Montreal

LOL Doug!!!

Same thing happened to me.  I was bouncing up and down out of joy that 
I'd be able to listen to the CBC on AM next time I was up in Montreal and 
that there were going to be more stations to listen to.

Then I went back and read the piece again....WHOOOOPS!!!...it was all 

Oh well...

Douglas J. Broda said:
> Why did I treat the all-sports format as a done deal?
> Because I.... er..... didn't read the FIRST paragraph of
> http://www.radiodigest.com/montreal/news/2000/mon_012000_ford1.htm before
> reading the second paragraph.

Sven Franklyn Weil            "The needs of the many outweigh 
<sven@lily.org>                          the needs of the few
<http://www.lily.org/~sven>                      or the one." 
                                                     -- Surak