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Re: AM (was Re: LPFM Rules)

In a message dated 02/02/2000 9:28:14 PM Eastern Standard Time, 
djbroda@mindspring.com writes:

<< The loss of live and local (or at least local). The loss of 
semi-inteligent talk from at least something close to a wide variety of 
perspectives and approaches. >>

amen.  but with a question as well.  

is it simply our percerption that there is a loss in either quality or 
variety?  at most, in the not so distant past, Boston, in particular, had a 
few stations doing talk, but only part-time (WEEI/WHDH/WBZ). 
 then, when WRKO went all talk, it jumped in with both feet, giving the local 
area hosts well versed in the area and the issues.  yes, through budget cuts 
and such, the "bird feed" became a staple.  but aren't we still kind of where 
we were just a short time ago?  instead of Jessup, Benzaquin, The Huddle, 
Glick and Brudnoy, we have a few different hosts, all capable of holding 
forth on their areas of expertise and interest.  Plus, we still have David!
   seems to me that we've got more talk variety than ever before, and 
unfortunately, as is the nature of the beast, the hosts we might perceive as 
high-quality are more often than not up against each other.

- -Chuck Igo