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Re: LPFM Rules

"Martin J. Waters" wrote:

>         Without getting into the general subject of property takings, I
> don't think it applies here. No one is taking their property--i.e.,
> transmitters, etc. They do not have a legal ownership interest in the
> license. 

It sounds like those of franchisee territorial complaints, e.g.,
McDs, BKC, etc.  You plant a store in Andover with the expectation
that you'll be the only McD within a certain market radius (the
basis for your decision to invest.)  Then, the mother corp. opens up
another franchise license for your local community that you have to
either bid on yourself, or deal with the competition.  As for radio,
there's always (we hope) competition from the other signals, but is
it reasonable to expect that your coverage area (ADI) on your
frequency will become challenged or lessened?  

I just can't fathom the gray flannel at the FCC holding a candle to
the power suits at the top 5 radio corps., regardless of the issue
or challenge (esp. with the convenient distraction of cable and
wireless explosions in growth and development.)

Bill O'Neill