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WGBX/44 reduced power.

     In reference to Kaimbridge's question, yes, Channel 44 is currently on
reduced power until early spring.  They are doing some major renovations to
the WBZ/4 tower in preparation for digital TV, including WGBX's new digital
channel.  They are currently at 25% of their normal power.  According to
a person I spoke to at 'GBH Viewer Services, they will be back to full power
in the spring.  Personally, I feel that the 25% power level is overrated.  It
looks more like 5 or 10%.  Generally Channel 44 puts out a signal that seems
to be at par with the other UHF's, except Channel 25.  At my home in Whitman,
their signal is nearly non-existant.  Usually it is full quieting.  Lucky
for 44 that they send a direct signal from the studio to the cable headend.
     Two of my college FM's pick up The Talking Information Center via
Channel 44's SAP.  Stonehill's WSHL-FM picks it up via cable and is not
affected by Channel 44's reduced power.  WBIM-FM, while getting a reduced
signal strength from Channel 44, still gets a full-quieting signal (barely).
So in answer to Channel 44's signal, it will be in the mud for a couple of
months until the tower changes are made in the spring.


Peter Q. George (K1XRB)
Whitman, Massachusetts

Peter Q. George (K1XRB)                 *  "Scanning the bands since 1967 !" 
33 Stetson St., Apt. 2                  *                  +
Whitman, Massachusetts  02382           *                  |
USA                                     *      73         +|+    de K1XRB
PGEORGE@wellesley.edu                   *                 /|\
                                        *                 +|+ 
pqgeorge@hotmail.com                    *                 /|\ 