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Re: Altering Live TV Pictures

Supposedly some PBS stations were running Air Farce.
After getting a few from WTTW in Chicago (though they
may have dropped it later) via a tape trader, I got
some from the CBC via a Canadian tape trader
(including 5 "best of" tapes). It is a funny show
even though some may not get the references to
Canadian politicians.
http://www.airfarce.com (or is it
http://www.airfarce.ca ?)

When I visit the Burlington, Vermont area I get a kick
out of seeing CBC and CTV, which are on the local
cable systems (in the motel). They ran an excellent
documentary about the "cola wars" one night I was up

--- "Douglas J. Broda" <djbroda@mindspring.com> wrote:

> What I wouldn't give to have the Air Farce on Trio.
> Do US rights belong to
> somebody else like PBS? Or maybe they think that
> they should only run stuff
> without Canadian character? 
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