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Re: Y2K glitch??? or just a little time travel?

>Our commercial playback system at work (the ODETICS TCS-2000) went from
>12/31/99 to 01/01/:0 .
>It doesnt accept anything else except 80-99. I wonder what year :0 is? =)

Interesting...  The ':' character is the character that comes after '9'
in ASCII.  Looks like it does realize that it is the "decade after the
90's", but doesn't quite know how to represent that on the readout.
So I guess that on January 1, 2010 it'll display "01/01/;0", then in
the subsequent decades it'll cycle through "<0", "=0", ">0", "?0"
and "@0" before starting a cycle of "A0", "B0", etc... assuming it
runs that long. :-)

-Shawn Mamros (who does this sort of stuff for a living...)
E-mail to: mamros@mit.edu