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NPR New Years Jazz Broadcast

The usual New Years live Jazz broadcast from NPR was carried this 
year on WGBH, WFCR, and MPBN.  I was surprised not to hear it on 
WICN, they had a different jazz show.  Since I got off work at 11:30, 
it was great to just be coming up on Rockingham  Park along I-93 at 
midnight, with the live jazz playing while watching the fireworks as 
I drove by.

WGBH cut out of the live broadcast at 1AM to go to their usual local 
show of recorded jazz, but the others stayed with the NPR broadcast, 
which shifts to a different venue for midnight in each time zone.

P.S. <off topic>:  It's now approx. Y2K + 1:45, and all is well with 
my Mac G3 running OS9.  However, when I start up my Fujitsu laptop 
running Win98 SE (I've started it twice since I got home), I get a 
panel with the message "registration code expired" with no indication 
of what registration code, and no indication of how to update same, 
just an "OK" box and then it goes away when I hit "OK".  I wonder if 
I am now going to get this box every time I start up the laptop for 
the rest of eternity.  If anyone has any hints on what I might do 
about this, please reply off list, your help is appreciated.

Happy New Year to all!!!

Larry Weil
Lake Wobegone, NH