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Re: Norm Nathan

>All the kids in the Teen Canteen enjoyed your witty remarks.  I'm
just so
>excited I'm going to slip into my fur-lined loincloth, admire my
>well-tempered body of steel and look at racy pictures of Marilyn
>Ed Brouder

LOL! (and not lying on linoleum....)   That was classic stuff ala
Norm.  The only way I can describe the humor that was Norm Nathan was
his overt calm and restraint juxtaposed with his insanely cunning,
provocative collection of words and timing.  Sort of like Letterman
when he says, "Never before have such a collection of words coexisted
in the same sentence" e.g., "My pliars have laryngitis...."  Norm was
"out there" while never leaving us alone in the joke.

I wonder if the business, in it's current incarnation, could handle or
utilize such a talent style?

Bill O'Neill


End of boston-radio-interest-digest V2 #356