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Re: [neradio] WPRO-FM

At 08:29 PM 3/26/99 -0500, Scott Levison wrote:
>Automation..the enemy of ALL announcers!

Not true.  It is a tool, like any other tool can be used as well as abused.
 Let me guess, one of the shifts being automated is overnights.  Do you
have any idea how hard it is to get/keep live jocks on overnites?  About 10
years ago I did weekend overnites on a soft AC.  For the first time, I
questioned whether I really wanted to do radio for a living....fighting to
stay awake playing Carly, Whitney, Mariah, Phil, etc...no spot load, no one
but drunks & insomniacs listening, wow, only 5 hours and 45 min left on my
shift...ZZZZZZ. Is automating overnites any worse than doing what WBMX and
others do...use a boardop who doesn't have a clue?  The only difference is
that the automation is tighter and doesn't screw up as much.


End of boston-radio-interest-digest V2 #342