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RE: No Spam...Radio

You may also be aware that the expression "At this point in time" became an
instant cliche thanks to John Dean and the Watergate hearings.

Ira Apple

Bill O'Neill wrote:

> "Expletive deleted" started with Watergate?  Interesting.  I wonder how
> language was redacted prior to that.

Well, the expression may have been used when language was redacted in a
transcript, but it was the Watergate transcripts that made it a popular

Funny, just yesterday, while conferring with opposing counsel in a lawsuit
about redacting a trial exhibit, we wondered whether anyone other than
lawyers ever use the word "redact."  And today, we have an answer.

- --
 A. Joseph Ross, J.D.                                     617.367.0468
 15 Court Square                                  lawyer@world.std.com
 Boston, MA 02108-2503                   http://world.std.com/~lawyer/
