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RE: Trippin' Over Dishes...

> The drive out on the 23rd would have been a very
> different one if not for
> "The Truckin' Bozo" on WLW (700 kHz Cincinnati)
> midnight to 5 a.m.   (BTW,
> when did the show go 'network'?  Anyone know who
> Bozo is?  And, no Frank

Bozo is Dale Sommers. I've heard him give his real name on
the air once or twice per show. Dunno when he went network
but when last I heard he owned the show and bought time from
the station so it wasn't a big jump. Cellphones did make a
big difference, especially when there's something big to
talk about.

Dale is also a ham operator, I forget the call, but I've
heard him on the air once or twice.

> combo, and even those were
> mostly bird fed or ones-and-zeros with big-boy
> liners that you have heard
> many times...many times.  If I hear ONE more

Combos yes but I usually gravitate to the FM rock stations,
of the type that used to be called AOR, as they will nearly
always be staffed 24 hours a day with jocks who identify the
songs and at least make some comment about the artists and
current weather emergencies.

> (cough) harder, y'all.  Just YOU try this after a
> hard day in the mines."
> (Actual audio)  How refreshing.

Amazing. Definately something a human would do.

- -Pete
