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Re: Bruce Bradley

At 08:05 PM 11/28/98 -0500, you wrote:
>WBZ also was a bit more conservative about what they allowed on the air.
>I remember a song, I think it was by Paul Simon, that began "When I think
>back on all the crap I learned in high school, ..."  WMEX played the song
>that way, but WBZ altered it.  This was circa 1972, I think.
Kodachrome (doesn't sound the same when you change the lyric to FujiColor).

>There is an advantage to the those long-range signals.  I used to be able
>to listen to WBZ all the time that I was at UMass. 
The answer has no bearing on your point, but in Amherst, were you listening
to WBZ or WBZA?

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Dan Strassberg (Note: Address is CASE SENSITIVE!)
ALL _LOWER_ CASE!!!--> dan.strassberg@worldnet.att.net
(617) 558-4205; Fax (617) 928-4205
