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Radio Free Vermont - Nutbag Alert!

Anybody need a good laugh, just in time for Thanksgiving?

Check out Monty's Radio Free Vermont website, now with
useless frames too, at http://www.sover.net/~rfv/frame.htm
for the latest on his fight with the FCC.

To read his take on it, he's now won the battle.  But be
sure to read HOW he "won" -- let's just say he's deeply
swallowed all the Bill Cooper rhetoric that says anyone
who doesn't live in DC is not a "citizen" of the "United
States" -- and so those nasty federal officials can't do 
anything to you, especially if they address your mail to
an address in a "federal state" like "VT" instead of a
"Sovereign State" like "Vermont."  Oh yeah, if they don't put
a comma between your first name and last name and add a
"; sui juris" at the end, then you can ignore their mail, too.

Honest, I'm not making this up.  Read Monty's site.  Follow his
links to Bill Cooper.  There's some deeply wacko stuff going
on out there.  Any lawyers on the group (hi, Doug, hi, Joe) care
to address some of the points these guys are trying to make?

(And no, I'm not planning to give Monty James, Butterfield; sui juris
the satisfaction of getting publicity in the next NERW -- but 
I thought the b-r-i audience would be amused...)

Scott David, Fybush; sui juris
c/o General Delivery
city of Rochester
State of New York, uSA 

(see, now the FCC's rules don't apply to me, either...try it, it's
