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Re: Joey Reynolds

In a message dated 10/15/98 10:12:51 AM Eastern Daylight Time, owner-boston-
radio-interest-digest@bostonradio.org writes:

<< sorry to whoever has the excellent taste to have suggested
  that Joey Reynolds will pick up a lot of  business because of this. IMO,
  Reynolds' prospects are severely limited by the fact that he does an
  intelligent, interesting program. In fact, it's a wonder he's on at all. >>
Saw this mention of Joey Reynolds in the last digest. Thought I'd throw out
the question that I've wondered for the last 2 years. With all the stations
across the country that carry Joey, how is it possible that Boston, the so-
called Intellectual Hub of the country, is one of the few markets that
overlook him? I asked Joey that question when he first started accumulating
stations and he mentioned that there was a possibility of a Boston station
signing up at that time. Nothing seems to have happened. I've been a fan ever
since he was a "kid" at KB in the early 60's. Get with it, Boston Radio!
