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Re: Radio Coverage of Videotaped Testimony

I searched AM & FM (in Greater Boston) at the start of 
the President's Grand Jury testimony, and found no radio
coverage at all. This seems bizarre to me. 

ABC, CBS & NBC-TV carried some portion of the broadcast, 
C-SPAN, CNN & MSNBC aired it in its entirety.

Say what you will about the situation, whether you have 
a personal desire to observe it, or are repulsed by it.
(IMHO, the actual testimony was enlightening and often
ran contrary to all the mystique surrounding it.)

This was pure American History in the making. And radio 
was not there. To me this clearly - and sadly - 
demonstates how utterly out-of-touch the medium really 

- - Henry Dane
- --------------------------------------
On Mon, 21 Sep 1998 Dib9@aol.com wrote:
>560 WGAN Portland was the only radio station in Maine 
>that carried the President's videotaped testimony in is 
>it's entirety, uninterrupted. WGAN ran the CBS radio 
>feed, which was on a seven-second delay so CBS could 
>edit out anything they felt was too objectionable. The 
>only interruptions were WGAN's legal IDs. No 
>commercials ran during the four hour broadcast.  
>I believe they ran Rush Limbaugh's show in it's 
>entirety on tape delay after the testimony ended.
- ------------------------------
On Mon, 21 Sep 1998, <shel@big68.org> wrote:
>Gosh! They played the videotape on TV here...my wife 
>chose not to watch it, and so did I. What's the matter 
>with us?
