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Re: WJIB Night-time power

At 11:29 AM 9/7/98 -0400, you wrote:
>        Even if Canada reserves those frequencies, some U.S. stations would
>benefit if the less desirable frequencies among the Toronto allocations
>eventually stay silent as a result of the shuffling up to more desirable
>assignments. I'm thinking particularly of WINS and WEVD in New York.

If the number of Toronto AMs decreases by two (something that I doubt will
happen in the long run), the frequencies that I would expect to go dark are
1540 and 1430. I don't have enough information to rank the facilities by
value, but the two that are highest on the dial have the poorest daytime
coverage and, most likely, receive the worst nighttime interference.
Moreover, 1540 is only 30 kW at night; the others are all 50 kW-U. Almost
certainly, the "stick values" of 1010 and 1050 are greater than those of
1430 and 1540. Also, 1010, in particular, might be more valuable than one or
more of the facilites at the low end of the dial (590, 640, 680). Aside from
740 and 860, which are ND, I'm not sure of the number of towers the Toronto
AMs use, but I think it's a lot for all of them. I know that 590 has nine,
and I think that 680 has eight. For rather obvious reasons (the stations
arrived late at the party and are not near a coast, and so are quite boxed
in), the midwest (extending as far east as southern Ontario) is complex-DA

- -------------------------------
Dan Strassberg (Note: Address is CASE SENSITIVE!)
ALL _LOWER_ CASE!!!--> dan.strassberg@worldnet.att.net
(617) 558-4205; Fax (617) 928-4205
